ARCH - ABSTRACT MODEL: Project I did for my first year in Architecture School. This was based on a diagram of movement of a rat trap, from a 2d drawing to a 3d model. At the end, it meant to be something abstract that could serve as some building. Mine was a museum and recreational space for people who wanted a relax.

HOUSING FACADE DESIGN: The purpose of this project was to design a house facade, while also learning to distribute space in small areas.

SMART TRASH CAN MODEL: A stylish-modern and smart trash can that helps compress garbage.

ARCH - PROPOSAL FOR A NEW STUDENT CENTER IN BAYAMÓN: Project made in my third year of architecture as part of a Master Plan for the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus re-structure and re-distribution of spaces. This proposal uses the existent and unused space and transforms it into a student center for study, classes, and lunch breaks.
Since the area had foot traffic, it was the ideal place for a student center.